Murphyhiscock Power Spellcraft for Life the Art of Crafting and Casting for Positive Change

Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Arin Potato-Hiscock

Built-in: July 12
Residence: Montreal, Quebec

Arin Potato-Hiscock is a Montreal, Quebec based author, researcher, and Wiccan Priestess.

Life and Times

Research for a creative writing project over a decade agone led Arin White potato-Hiscock to detect what is at present called alternative spirituality, or New Age and occult studies. What began as character research speedily gained greater depth, and inspired an viii year odyssey of self-discovery, difficult decision-making, a re-evaluation of religion, and, ultimately, a new spiritual path. That path has since led her through clergy study, spiritual counselling, and educational activity.

Arin is a 3rd-degree Wiccan High Priestess in the Black Forest Clan. This path is linked both by lineage and practice to several other branches of Wiccan thought and philosophy, including the Caledonii Tradition, Druidic Wicca, Gardnerian practise, Seax-Wicca, general Celtic Wicca, and High german Witchcraft, and is specifically for those with an interest in becoming trained clergy. In August 2003, afterwards four years of intensive study and practice, Arin was granted legal clergy status under the charter of the Blackness Wood Circle and Seminary, based in Pennsylvania.

A true academic, Arin has completed a B.A. with an Honours in English Literature and a Major in Liberal Arts, which focuses on Western faith, art, scientific discipline, philosophy and literature; and an M.A. in English language Literature (1995 and 2000, Concordia Academy, Montreal). Independent study has as well led her to read tremendous amounts of material throughout the New Age spectrum. She is well-versed in European mythology and folk traditions (including Celtic and Germanic), hearth and domicile magic, the Goddess Spirituality motility, Tarot, runes, shamanism, herbal magic, spellcraft, green witchcraft, the history of alternative spirituality, divination, and witchcraft.

Enquiry alone does non an good make; easily-on experience is required for a fuller understanding of the globe. Arin has worked within the volume industry for over seventeen years, specifically within niche markets such as children's literature, speculative fiction, and esotericism. These experiences give her a unique insight into the publishing concern. Over the v years she spent working with Le Melange Magique, Canada's largest metaphysical and occult store, Arin gained an even more specialised understanding of the current New Historic period market and its clientele. As of 2002 she has focused on her career as a freelance editor and writer, and apart from her books she has published a number of articles in Montreal periodicals on several subjects, as well as creating educational material for her own classes and workshops.

Currently a resident of Montreal, Canada, Arin is on extended sabbatical from her duties equally a core teacher with Crescent Moon Spiritual Learning Centre, which incorporates a four-level general program of Neo-Infidel studies. She continues the series of workshops she has developed and presented since 2001 for Le Melange Magique. These workshops introduce people to a variety of topics such equally designing rituals, methods of divination, the history and foundations of modern Paganism, and the fine art of spell-crafting. She is consulted on a regular basis by the Montreal media and Northward American publishers on such topics equally Goddess spirituality, Neo-Pagan do, and folk traditions.

Arin currently works as a freelance writer and editor, and served as the consultant for Provenance Press, a New Age imprint published by Adams Media, for five years. Her offset book, Power Spellcraft for Life: The Art of Crafting and Casting for Positive Modify, was released by Provenance Printing in May 2005. Arin's second volume, Alone Wicca for Life: A Complete Guide to Mastering the Arts and crafts on Your Ain, was published in September 2005. Her third book, The Way of the Green Witch, was released in May 2006. Her latest book, The Way of the Hedge Witch, is scheduled for release in April 2009.

Published Works:

  • Passages Infidel Pregnancy: A Spiritual Journey From Maiden To Mother, (2009), Adams Media Corporation: Cincinnati, OH, Usa.
  • Power Spellcraft for Life (2005), Adams Media Corporation: Cincinnati, OH, USA.
  • Solitary Wicca for Life: Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on Your Own, (2005), Adams Media Corporation: Cincinnati, OH, Usa.
  • The Way of the Dark-green Witch: Rituals, Spells, and Practices to Bring You Back to Nature, (2006), Adams Media Corporation: Cincinnati, OH, USA.
  • The Way of the Hedge Witch: Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Domicile, (2009), Adams Media Corporation: Cincinnati, OH, United states.

On the Spider web:

  • Official Homepage
  • Facebook
  • Arin Murphy-Hiscock's Online Journal
Biographical information predominantly copied from Arin White potato-Hiscock's Homepage.


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