Apex Legends fault reading pak file: How to gear up Apex Legends crashing

If Noon Legends keeps crashing because of an error reading pak file, we can help.

Apex Legends Error reading pak

Apex Legends, as with then many games, is not immune to bugs and errors. A adequately mutual i that causes the game to crash is the error reading pak file message.

This has caused problems for a number of players and, with Apex Legends Season 10 on the horizon, continues to remain an consequence. So, we are here to tell you everything you need to know most what this error is, and how to set up information technology.

So if y'all notice yourself struggling to overcome this detail result, and then you lot've come to the correct place for solutions.

Here's a circular-up of some of the solutions diverse players claim to take used to resolve this frustrating Apex Legends fault.

One of the well-nigh recommended fixes is to find the corrupted game file on your computer and delete it. You can practice this via the following steps:

  • Make certain that the Apex Legends game is not running.
  • Launch theSteam client > Get toLibrary.
  • Right-click  on theApex Legends game from the left pane.
  • Hover overManage > Click onBrowse local files.
  • Now, the installed game location will open in the File Explorer window.
  • Delete  ther5apex (exe) application file from the location.
  • Shut the File Explorer and go dorsum to the Steam launcher.
  • Here you lot'll accept to right-click on the Noon Legends game once again.
  • SelectProperties > Click on theLocal Files option.
  • Next, chooseVerify integrity of game files…
  • Wait for the process to consummate and it'll automatically bring back the deleted application file.
  • Once done, restart your Steam client and check if the Apex Legends Engine Error Reading PAK file event has been stock-still. You should now be able to play the game.

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Of course, every bit an EA-based game, you tin can play Apex Legends via Origin. If you've been hit with the fault reading pak error on Origin, the solution is pretty similar to if it was on Steam. You can meet how to delete the corrupted file below:

  • Make certain that the Apex Legends game is not running.
  • Open theOrigin client.
  • Click onOrigin from the elevation left corner > Click onApplication Settings.
  • Now, go toInstalls & Saves > Check theGame library path.
  • Open the File Explorer, and become inside theApex Legends game folder.
  • Side by side, delete  ther5apex (exe) application file from the location.
  • Go back to the Origin client and click onMy Game Library.
  • SelectApex Legends > Click on the gear icon  to open theSettings menu.
  • Now, click onRepair and expect for the procedure to consummate.
  • Once done, shut the Origin customer and relaunch it. You should now be able to play the game.

In the unlikely event that the above options don't work for you, there are a couple of other tips that might aid.

We say this repeatedly: make sure all your software is fully upward to engagement. While we accept focused on Steam and Origin, if y'all are having issues on a console, then brand sure you bank check for any updates that might be due. In addition, make sure your graphics drivers are fully upwards to appointment.

The last resort, if nothing seems to be resolving matters for y'all, is to try completely uninstalling the game, and then reinstalling it. Information technology is the nuclear pick, only sometimes, it might be the only way of fixing the trouble.

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For most players, this mistake seems to appear as they endeavor to connect to the Apex Legends, but information technology has been known to strike at other points as well. They receive a message which says something along the lines of:

"Error reading pak file "C:\User\…\dl_mini_19_10_30.rpak" – Error: Short read"

The root cause is a little unclear, although pak file errors are often caused past corrupted games files. This can occur if a download goes wrong, or in that location is an issue on the local file organisation, or the storage drive.

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