Blizzard Amusement and….Artix Games? What could these two possibly make in joint? Artix has developed tercet no-hit online RPGs and has just launched their first of all MMO. Read on to find unsuccessful more in what is beyond any doubt the most entertaining audience I have ever conducted.

Please introduce yourself and define your position within Artix Entertainment.

Artix: "I would like to thank the Warcry Mesh for taking the time to talk with us. Well met! I am Artix von Krieger the Hero. My job here is to fight the evil legions of the undead, pick up after the pup on walks, and figure web RPGs including AdventureQuest, DragonFable and MechQuest.

Safiria: [Sigh] Greetings, I am Safiria Nyx the Lamia Queen. When I'm not expanding my clan of undead Vampires I am…

Artix: Hold off – you are a Vampire?
Safiria: [sigh] We've been over this… oooh look a shiny object!

Artix: Oooooooh where!?

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Artix Entertainment is based in Land O'Lakes, Florida so this question must be asked: Land O'Lakes comparable the butter? *grins*

Artix: Are you trying to butter US up? That question has been churning in my mind since we moved present. It is nice building the games in one place since we were spread so filmy before. Ironicially information technology is really our puns that are our support here. IT really helps our profit margarines. I am really milking this jest at… merely do non worry we are open minded here – non lactose intolerant at all. Sorry, I am a little nervous and wealthy person butter-flies in my stomach. I need to rebutt-er that statement. I think I Ate excessively more butter-milk pancakes with Mrs Butter-Worth syrup. At to the lowest degree it was butter than the Butter-cups I was eating from Allhallows Eve. That reminds me of the prison term I was so much a butter-fingers that I dropped a butterball turkey last Thanksgiving… hey… wait.. Safiria why are you disagreeable to cover my mouth with Butter-thrifty Tape?

Safiria: You're cut sour.

Artix: Huh…. I cannot believe it is non butter!

Safiria: Cut off!

Artix: Just look.. I fair-minded made this unaccustomed Butter RPG named BUTTERQUEST!

Safiria: Oh dear immortal…… what is WRONG with you!?!!!?!

NEW Brave: (Warcry exclusive!)

Now that that's taboo of the way, what games has Artix produced? Delight give a thumbnail sketch of each unity.

Artix: We have quartet John Major RPGs. All of them are free and play in your web browser with nothing to download operating theater instal. Our friendly team works along the games aboard the residential district updating them with fun new events, quests, or monsters each week! Our newest unfit, AQWorlds is our first massively multiplayer game.

AdventureQuest Worlds MMO (
AdventureQuest (
DragonFable (
MechQuest (


Safiria: That's not what he meant by "adumbrate"

Artix: Oooh….


Which do you like better: MMORPGs or single-player RPGs?

Artix: I like them both better!

Safiria: /facepalm

Artix: We have been creating single player web RPGs for 6 really sport years.

Safiria: During our 6th year anniversary we launched our first MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds. It's a completely new game with all new master art and a story that volition encompass elements from our existing three games.

Artix: I like organism able to jump into the single player games and play the new releases right after they are released. I REALLY look-alike performin along broadside the other players in the MMO.

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What technologies/engines does Artix use for its games?

Artix: FLASH! <Que's up soundtrack: Trice… Aaaaaah aaaaah aaaaaa! Defender of the universe>

Safiria: Our games are every transcribed in Adobe Flash so they are small and run within your web web browser. Your character data is preserved to our databases. This way you can play atomic number 3 your character from any computer in the international.

Does Artix offer on-the-scene miniskirt games? If so, how do they fit into the early games developed by Artix?

Safiria: We build miniskirt-games in our spare prison term and put them on While the focus of our of import games is combat, there are too some minigames built into them.

What age bracket does Artix aim for during game development?

Artix: Aboveboard – I sporty make games I would like to child's play.

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What ages are to the highest degree represented in Artix's games?

Artix: Maturat of Empires, Dark Maturat of Camelot, Brain Age, Age of Mythology… hmm…

Safiria: Our demographic is actually broad.
Artix: … the Stone Age?

Safiria: We cause a huge number of 13 to 17 year old players.

Your site ( claims 12,000,000 unique visitors each month. This compares favorably with Blizzard's just-proclaimed cardinal million WoW subscribers. How many of these visitors play one of Artix's games and/or mini-games?

Artix: For little WWW games we do have very much of incredible players. In late months we had A high every bit 17.6 1000000 unique visitors to our unfit sites, which is just unthinkable! Those numbers pool are the like saying "these are not the droids you are looking for…" to the advertisers who help sponsor the free sections of our games.

Safiria: Except, of course, those advertisers are all Competitory games…

Artix: Yes, merely over the then 6 years we have seen a quite a little of them come and go. We are still here 😉 Of the unequalled visitors about 33% of them have an active account with us in at least one game. We trust everyone keeps coming backrest to see or new releases!

How ofttimes are MechQuest, DragonFable and AdventureQuest updated?

Artix: We update all of the games every only week! This month (November) we are opening the month of Dragons. We are putting the first Dragons into our MMO. Interim in MechQuest they will Be discovering an asteriod containing a automatic Dragonoid which has been floating just about space for the past 10,000 days. This is a major plot point unraveling a major in gimpy mystery. In DragonFable they are adding bizarre chef Dragons who want to start a adventurer eating place. You will team up up with the famous DragonSlayer Galanoth and call for them down… and learn the trade of DragonSlaying for yourself!
Safiria: Because the stake runs in your web browser, you do not need to download anything to see our stylish release. Just login and you'll be able-bodied to battle the newest monsters and go on the latest quests!

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Are accounts ever far when unused for a point of time?

Safiria: There are different kosher up systems for the various games. When information technology is time for database pristine up we only remove unused accounts with not-verified emails. We ne'er erase upgraded (paid) accounts.

Artix: I offer burial services for the purged accounts so they set non come vertebral column as undead accounts.
[paginate]Artix is within reason like the corner 'mumm and pop store' with a game like International of Warcraft being wish Walmart. How does Artix compete so well?

Safiria: We jest at about a good deal of things at AE, but this is uncomparable topic we take very seriously.

Artix: Our games are hither and growing because of our players. We take their input very in earnest and bash our optimal every day to make the games better for them.

Safiria: World of Warcraft had a huge team and insane budget to make their MMO. We had 2 guys and some pizza pie to make ours. AdventureQuest Worlds is the first MMO with literal time combat we have seen in Flash. It is genuinely amazing that we were able to build information technology.

Artix: Just seriously, how do we compete with games like Humans of Warcraft? (Compete = T-ball vs Pro Baseball?) We vie by hearing to our players. Just as you read this we are continuing to build and improve AQWorlds. I would like to carry this moment and exhibit my appreciation for Zhoom, Minimal, J6, Miltonius, Reens, Llusien, Safiria, Nythera, Jemini, the forum stave and the Alpha/Beta players that put sol much work into the initial release of the MMO. It was a huge success. But the spunky that exists now is still scarcely a seed compared to the lush, magical wood it is about to become. A forest with… great oaks… and cervid… and little woodland creatures that scurry and go *pfft pfft pfft* and cows…

Safiria: Abridged off!

Artix: Simply I made a butter RPG!

What future development plans does Artix have up its sleeve?

Safiria: We take up huge events approach up in AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest and AQWorlds during this holiday season.

Artix: Special vacation zones and chain quests Undead Reindeer… RiegnMecha with optical maser eyes, Revenge of the Techno turkey, monster greedy present stealing frost Dragons….

Safiria: Huh, weird. You are beingness severe this metre.

Artix: A great deal of our resources are being put into the MMO. AdventureQuest Worlds is passing to grow quicker than whatsoever of our previous games. The big projects happening the to-do list are guilds, housing/castles and PvP.

Safiria: I conceive atomic number 2 wanted to know if you were going to make any new games.

Artix: Safiria! That project is top secret. You were not suppositious to say anything about that at all.

Safiria: OMG, I'm so depressing. But, since I already mentioned IT…

Artix: Alright <clears pharynx>. We have built three web RPGs, and now a massively multiplayer gimpy. We are ready to move to the next level.
Zhoom: <paradiddle>
Artix: StickQuest!

Safiria: Wait… what?
Safiria: [blink]Safiria: Are you serious? After building AQ, DF, MQ and AQW you privation to build a game featuring stick figures?

Artix: No… I made-up AQ, DF, MQ and AQW thus that I COULD frame a plot around reefer figures.

Safiria: !

Artix: Again, I would comparable to give thanks the Warcry Network for taking the metre to speak with us about our web games. If you would like to learn more about our games, or just watch us crash and burn suchlike few sort of tick timebomb cyberspace trainwreck, please visit:

AdventureQuest Worlds MMO:

Thanks so much to Artix and Safiria for such and fun and truly informative question! Look for more from these two in the future!